Tuesday, April 20, 2010

you really are... "fantastic"

Boggis and Bunce and Bean     
One fat, one short, one lean     
These horrible crooks     
So different in looks
Were none the less equally mean

I just finished watching FANTASTIC MR. FOX on DVD -- I totally love this movie! It's definitely on my top 10 favorites of 2009; certainly my favorite Wes Andreson film. I first watched it in theaters last November, then a couple of weeks ago at a free screening at the Independent, and now again on DVD. 

Based on a children's story Roald Dahl, MR. FOX is Wes Anderson's first stop motion animation film. According to a featurette, It's in the Details, each second of the film is made up of 24 pictures; which is utterly amazing to me! As with other Anderson films, the soundtrack of this film, with a fabulous score by Alexandre Desplat, is truly stupendous.

One of the most amusing things about this film, is how the word "cuss" is being used to replace any profanity. Be sure to watch the DVD with subtitles turned on to catch gems such as: "Holy swearing cuss!"

Around the time of the DVD release last month, I also caught a re-brocast of an interview Wes Anderson gave on NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross that made me appreciate the amount of hard work and raw talent it took to make MR. FOX... "fantastic" -- bravo!